Sunday, September 1, 2013

What A Difference A Century Makes!

Workplace The "40 - 40" Rule
19th Century – Do I plow the south 40 or the north 40? 
20th Century – Work 40 hours a week in a factory for 40 years 
21st Century – Invent a SmartPhone App & earn $40 billion by age 40

Relationships – “Dating Miss Daisy” 
19th Century – Took Daisy to a barn dance, courted and wooed her, then asked her father for her hand in marriage. 
20th Century – Took Daisy to live in a hippie commune, renamed her Sunflower. 
21st Century – Had Facebook affair with someone he thought was named Daisy, got busted in F.B.I. kiddie-porn sting operation, instead. Sentenced to 20 years.

Justice – “Here Come De Judge” 
19th Century – Hanging judges in the “Wild West” holding “Neck Tie Parties”. 
20th Century Chief Justice Earl Warren – “Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." 
21st Century – Jiving, jawing and jabbering judges like Judge Judy, Joe Brown, and Greg Mathislook like refugees from a "Three Stooges Movie."

Presidential Statesmanship – “Say What?” 
19th Century – Honest Abe Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation. “Four score and seven years ago...” 
20th Century – Franklin Roosevelt had his Fireside Chats. – “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” 
21st Century – George W. Bush and his Garbled Grammar – “The noo-cue-ler threatitudinal reductification proves Americans will not be intimidified by terrorosity.”

Exercise – “Dance Fever” 
19th Century – Dancing upon “request” when a Western gunslinger shoots at the feet of a “dancing victim.” 
20th Century – Dancing fads like “The Twist” and “The Macarena.” 
21st Century – CEOs Dancing around the truth – Ken Lay of Enron, Martha Stewart, Bernie Ebbers of WorldCom, the Washington Mutual pirates.

Card Games-“I’ll Hold ’Em, You Fold ‘Em” 
19th Century – Poker on the riverboat with the gunslingers. 
20th Century – Poker on Monday nights with the guys. 
21st Century – Poker on every ^%$*@#$* TV channel, with has-been celebrities and internet wannabes.

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